C/2019 Q1 Lemmon
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Comet C/2019 Q1 was discovered on 28 August 2019, almost one year before its perihelion passage. Later two series of pre-discovery observations were found from 2 January 2019 and 10 November 2018.

Solutions (GR and NG) given here are based on data span over 2.56 yr in a range of heliocentric distances: 6.80 au – 5.00 au (perihelion) – 5.56 au. Orbits based on pre-perihelion and post-perihelion data independently were also obtained.

This Oort spike comet suffers small planetary perturbations during its passage through the planetary system; however, they lead to escape this comet from the solar system on hyperbolic orbit (see future barycentric orbits).
solution description
number of observations 160
data interval 2018 11 10 – 2020 07 16
data arc selection data generally limited to pre-perihelion (PRE)
range of heliocentric distances 6.8 au – 5au
type of model of motion NC - non-gravitational orbits for symmetric CO-g(r)-like function
data weighting YES
number of residuals 314
RMS [arcseconds] 0.34
orbit quality class 1b
orbital elements (barycentric ecliptic J2000)
Epoch 1715 01 31
perihelion date 2020 07 21.55997739 ± 0.00911257
perihelion distance [au] 4.99225383 ± 0.00013880
eccentricity 0.99986307 ± 0.00004201
argument of perihelion [°] 56.102476 ± 0.001958
ascending node [°] 42.372164 ± 0.000116
inclination [°] 155.704173 ± 0.00023
reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] 27.43 ± 8.42
file containing 5001 VCs swarm
Six 2D-projections of the 6D space of original swarm including 5001 VCs. Each density map is given in logarithmic scale presented on the right in the individual panel.