C/1948 E1 Pajdusakova-Mrkos
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Comet C/1948 E1 was discovered on 13 March 1948 by Ľudmila Pajdušáková and Antonín Mrkos, at Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, Slovakia. Prediscovery images were found by George van Biesbroeck on plates exposed on 15 February and 5 March at Yerkes Observatory (Wisconsin, USA). At the moment of discovery, the comet was two months before perihelion passage, and it was last seen on 9 February 1950. [Kronk, Cometography: Volume 4].
This comet made its closest approach to the Earth on 24 April 1948 (1.860 au), that is about three weeks before perihelion passage.
Solution given here is based on data spanning over 1.912 yr in a range of heliocentric distances from 2.240 au through perihelion (2.107 au) to 6.646 au.
This Oort spike comet suffers almost negligible planetary perturbations during its passage through the planetary system, and it will enter the planet zone as Oort spike comet in the next perihelion passage (see future barycentric orbit).
More details in Królikowska et al. 2014.

solution description
number of observations 247
data interval 1948 03 13 – 1950 02 09
data type perihelion within the observation arc (FULL)
data arc selection entire data set (STD)
range of heliocentric distances 2.36 au – 2.11 au (perihelion) – 6.65 au
detectability of NG effects in the comet's motion NG effects not determinable
type of model of motion GR - gravitational orbit
data weighting YES
number of residuals 431
RMS [arcseconds] 1.48
orbit quality class 1a
orbital elements (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Epoch 1948 05 09
perihelion date 1948 05 16.61217500 ± 0.00028065
perihelion distance [au] 2.10705582 ± 0.00000236
eccentricity 1.00077771 ± 0.00000570
argument of perihelion [°] 66.898096 ± 0.000124
ascending node [°] 247.652645 ± 0.000043
inclination [°] 92.919469 ± 0.000032
reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] -369.10 ± 2.70
Time distribution of positional observations with corresponding heliocentric (red curve) and geocentric (green curve) distance at which they were taken. The horizontal dotted line shows the perihelion distance for a given comet whereas vertical dotted line — the moment of perihelion passage.